Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

Build three complete websites, learn back and front-end web development, and publish your site online with DigitalOcean


What you'll learn

Build any website you want

Create a Product Hunt clone

Understand how using frameworks like Django will save you a ton of time in web development

Create your own personal portfolio site to showcase your projects to potential employers

Build fully functional websites for your startup or business

Improve your web development and coding resume

Publish your website online with DigitalOcean (a popular web hosting provider)

Create beautifully styled websites using Bootstrap (a front-end framework that simplifies web design)

Be able to connect Django to databases like SQLite and Postgres to help store and track data

Understand Django basics like Function and Class Based Views, URL routing, Models, Gunicorn and much more!

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